7050 Broadway, Burnaby, V5A 1R8
Spring Childcare is a Multi-Age Childcare. We believe children are capable to learn in early age. Therefore our educational focus will be Theme-base activities and progressive from previous theme. The curriculum is focused and designed for preschoolers (age 3-5); however, the activities are also available for younger children to participate and explore. The teachers in Spring Childcare will modify the activities to be age-appropriate and developmental appropriate for the younger ones to try. The aims for the younger ones will be different than the preschoolers. The theme in each area shown on the left will also be incorporated into music activities, singing songs, creative art, storytelling, pretend play, cooking activities and sensory activities in our daily program. We take every opportunity to teach and review, not only in the circle time but also during their play. The children are encouraged to express their ideas and raise questions.
Calendar & Weather : Practice the sequence of months, days of a week, and dates.
Discuss the weather (foggy, windy, sunny, rainy, snowy, stormy, partly cloudy, cloudy), learn about clouds. Learn how weathers affect our feeling
Healthy choice : Review food groups and how they help us grow healthily
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